档案 2月 2021


金融科技公司最近涉足银行业,美国财政部长珍妮特·耶伦(Janet Yellen)隐含地认可一种全数字货币,这可能是我们所知的银行的终结。

Fintech Feature photo

In a virtual conference hosted by The New York Times, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen gave her nod of approval to the idea of "sovereign digital currencies" to solve the riddle of financial inclusion in America. According to recent data, approximately 7.1 million, or 5.4 percent of households, in the United States have no access to a bank



Twitter NATO feature photo

Social media giant Twitter announced yesterday that it has deleted 373 accounts it claims were linked to Russia, Iran, and Armenia. In a blog post entitled “Disclosing networks of state-linked information operations,” it claimed that it had taken the decision to remove 69 Russian accounts primarily because they were “undermining faith in the NATO



Western Sahara Feature photo

 WESTERN SAHARA -- On November 13, 2020, commanders from the United States and Morrocan militaries met to plan annual joint exercises. The following day, 1,000 Moroccan soldiers and 200 vehicles stormed into the Guerguerat border crossing – a key highway in the occupied Western Sahara that connects Morocco to Mauritania, built in violation of


“新的Twitter恐慌标签显示了我们的事实报道对国家安全国家的威胁,该国家必须采用社交媒体审查制度来向公众隐瞒其议程。” -灰区的马克斯·布卢门撒尔

Twitter Label Feature photo

SAN FRANSICO -- “These materials may have been attained through hacking.” That is the warning message that any Twitter users coming across a recent Grayzone investigative report are met with, replete with a large exclamation point (!) signaling danger. The report, penned by Grayzone’s editor Max Blumenthal, exposes how influential media outlets



NATO Feature photo

The February meeting of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) Defense Ministers, the first since President Biden took power, revealed an antiquated, 75-year-old alliance that, despite its military failures in Afghanistan and Libya, is now turning its military madness toward two more formidable, nuclear-armed enemies: Russia and China. This



China Opium Capitalism Feature photo

WASHINGTON -- In “The Disarticulation of Pandemic War Propaganda,” a transparent attempt to frame China as the instigator of worldwide lockdown policies was revealed to be the work of a group of self-styled libertarian-minded individuals. Their links to the UK, the United States, and Canadian governments tie a neat Pentagon-size bow around ongoing