档案 7月 2020


Telsa首席执行官埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)再次遭到抨击,这次是在推文中说:“我们会发动任何想要的人!处理它。”关于2019年美国支持的玻利维亚政变。

Elon Musk Bolivia Feature photo

Multibillionaire Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk once again proved that he does not know how to keep silent. After being challenged on Twitter about his alleged involvement in the overthrow of the democratically elected government of Evo Morales in Bolivia last November, Musk responded, “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.” Although he


以色列国家资助的组织中涌现出无数的网络安全,人工智能和物联网初创企业,与苹果,谷歌,微软等美国《财富》 100强公司有着广泛的联系。

Israel Cyber Espionage Feature photo

A "mastermind in the field of cyber espionage" will be awarded a lifetime achievement by the state of Israel in September. The "Israel Defense Award" ceremony is slated to take place in the residence of President Reuven Rivlin, himself a former member of the IDF's intelligence corps, Haman, which is tasked with "collecting, disseminating, and



Israel Defense Forces Feature photo

A non-profit organization that "that provides for wellbeing of the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF)" was awarded a $2.5 million forgivable PPP loan by the (Small Business Administration) SBA. The Friends of Israeli Defense Forces (FIDF) is the only organization "authorized to represent the IDF across the United States and Panama" where



Bolivia Feature photo

Amid a rapidly worsening COVID-19 pandemic, Bolivia’s coup government has once again suspended much-anticipated elections that were due to be held on September 6. This is the third time the administration of Jeanine Añez has postponed them because of the virus, setting a new date for October 18. The move has drawn condemnation from both left and


国土安全部代理副部长肯·库奇内利(Ken Cuccinelli)声称,诸如盾牌和防毒面具之类的防御工具证明了抗议者正在“为暴力做准备”。

Portland protests photo of the day

Far from restoring order, the arrival of federal agents from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Border Patrol in Portland, Oregon has only heightened tensions, with agents attacking and arresting protesters nightly. DHS’ Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli took to social media yesterday to share images of items confiscated from



In a 'normal', pre-pandemic economy, a number roughly equal to the population of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania - or about 3.7 million people - are evicted every year in the United States, according to Matthew Desmond, principal investigator of Princeton University's "Eviction Lab" project, which tracks evictions throughout the country and produces the