档案 9月 2019



TEL AVIV, ISRAEL -- As the dust settles from the recent elections in apartheid Israel, the horse-trading begins. This horse-trading will determine which one of two war criminals will end up leading the racist, brutal state as its prime minister.  There are two distinct and diametrically opposed approaches to viewing the Israeli elections -- one



Venezuela Feature photo

Days after the Democratic presidential candidates missed yet another opportunity to challenge President Donald Trump’s failed Venezuela policy on the debate stage on September 12, President Nicolás Maduro signed an important agreement with four opposition parties. These events offer insight into the differing perspectives on the economic, social



Tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran are escalating to new heights, drawing the United States into a confrontation with the Islamic Republic after a sophisticated attack targeted Saudi Arabia’s Aramco oil facility -- the largest oil processing facility in the world -- knocking out half of the country’s oil capacity, or more than 5 million barrels



Syria Sanctions feature photo

Welcome to your second country, that was the greeting our Syrian hosts gave us when we arrived for the International Trade Union Forum for “solidarity with the workers and people of Syria against the economic blockade, imperialist interventions, and terrorism.” Throughout my short one-week stay, Syrians, on seeing I was a foreigner, would muster



Khalek Blumenthal Syria Feature photo

Three American journalists decided to do what many of their colleagues have done since the outbreak of the proxy war on the Syrian government: they traveled to the war-torn country to report what’s happening from the ground. But unlike the reporters who have made a name for themselves traipsing through some of the oldest cities in the world

通过杰西琳·拉德克(Jesselyn Radack)的眼光:举报人及其律师的重要角色


Jesselyn Radack Feature photo

This week Dutch journalist Rico Brouwer sat down with U.S. whistleblower attorney Jesselyn Radack in what turned out to be an absolute must-see interview. The two discussed topics ranging from what it’s like to represent some of the most hunted and hounded defendants in the nation, the perfect outcome for WikiLeaks publisher Julian Assange, and