档案 11月 2018


Shabwa全国委员会发表声明,并让政府忠于前也门总统Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi及其在该省的官员三天,将权力移交给理事会,理事会将运行Shabwa直到建立地方政府。

Shabwa Yemen

SHABWA, YEMEN -- Shabwa governorate, an oil-producing province in eastern Yemen, announced its independence from Yemen on Wednesday. A national council headed by the Chairman of the People's Assembly of the Sons of Shabwa, Ahmed Musaed Hussein, has been reportedly formed to manage the affairs of the province. The National Council issued a



Donald Trump | Benjamin Netanyahu

In an astounding case of media negligence, U.S. news media are failing to tell Americans that Congress is about to enact legislation for the largest military aid package to a foreign country in U.S. history. This aid package would likely be of interest to Americans, many of whom are cutting back their own personal spending. The package


在一项直接违反国际法和反对使用酷刑的公约的裁决中,以色列高等法院裁定Shin Bet在折磨巴勒斯坦囚犯方面是合理的,这是一个危险的先例。

Israel torture

In a ruling that directly violates international law and conventions against the use of torture, the Israeli High Court ruled Monday that Israeli intelligence officers were justified in their use of torture against a Palestinian prisoner. The ruling sets a precedent for the future use of torture and the expansion of such techniques used against

格林沃尔德撕裂Politico政治“理论”,卫报的阿桑奇 – 马纳福特故事由俄罗斯种植

“卫报”试图提出一系列容易被证实的主张 – 如果不是这样,那就是纯粹的宣传。

Glenn Greenwald | Julian Assange

After The Guardian attempted to shovel what appears to be a wholly fabricated story down our throats that Trump campaign manager met with Julian Assange at the London Embassy - Politico allowed an ex-CIA agent to use their platform to come up with a ham-handed cover story ever; Russia tricked The Guardian into publishing the Manafort-Assange

An Unredacted Interview with Comedian Lee Camp

“I try to remain hopeful although I may not be that optimistic. I view myself as a cynical optimist. I see the glass as being half full of shit.” — Lee Camp

Lee Camp

WASHINGTON – Taking on the biggest issues in politics was not on Lee Camp’s mind when he first got into comedy. The American comedian -- now known for his incisive political commentary and humor -- first started writing jokes when he was just 12 and began performing at 18, focusing first on “standard observational comedy” that was aimed more at


特朗普迅速为部队使用催泪瓦斯和侵略性武力辩护。 “这就是底线:没有人进入我们的国家,除非他们合法地进入我们的国家,”特朗普说,显然无视这样一个事实:为了申请庇护,一个人必须首先出现在美国的土地上。

Central America Migrant Caravan

TIJUANA, MEXICO -- Mimicking Israel’s tools of repression, United States troops deployed along the U.S.-Mexico border used aggressive force against thousands of unarmed migrants seeking asylum from U.S.-stoked violence in their home countries. This appears to be only the beginning, as thousands of more migrants are on the way while Pentagon