档案 10月 2018


“当数百万人,包括孕妇和儿童,由于我的同谋媒体中的腐败人员隐藏正在发生的事情而没有任何食物时,我有多么不公平。” – 饥饿前锋Pamela Bennett

Pamela Bennett | Yemen Hunger Strike

SAN FRANCISCO -- In Yemen, 18 million civilians are now at the brink of starvation, including 5 million children. The situation in the country, widely considered to be the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, is entirely man-made – the sordid result of the Saudi Arabia/UAE coalition’s war to control the Middle East’s poorest nation, a war that



Venezuela Sanctions Hunger

CARACAS, VENEZUELA -- United States sanctions against the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela have cost the Latin American nation $6 billion since August of 2017, leaving the fate of healthcare and access to basic goods in jeopardy for millions of already struggling Venezuelans. As recently as early October, an anonymous source from the Trump

拉丁美洲回归华盛顿的折叠 – 以及法西斯主义


Argentina IMF Protests

Latin America is re-converting into Washington’s backyard and as a sideline is returning to fascist rule, similar but worse than the sixties seventies and eighties, which stood under the spell of the CIA-led Operation of Plan Condor. Many call the current right-wing trend Operation Condor II which is probably as close to the truth as can be. It is


Jamal Khashoggi的死是该王国日益增长的全球间谍机构以及它愿意对外国人采取的行动的一个黑暗例子。

Saudi Arabia | Khashoggi

RIYADH, SAUDI ARABIA -- Saudi Arabia has inked a deal worth $250 million in advanced espionage technologies with Israel after a series of backroom meetings, according to a recent report from Emirati outlet Al-Khaleej. This revelation highlights the Kingdom’s increasingly aggressive spy apparatus under Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MBS) --


正如记者和中东问题专家Sharmine Narwani指出的那样,泄露的文件基本上“显示联合国正在出售”,因为“KSA和阿联酋摧毁了也门,然后向联合国支付了在这个破碎状态下宣传他们的'好作品'。

Saudi Arabia United Nations

We wonder if the Saudis had never been caught in Jamal Khashoggi's gruesome murder, would such essential stories and leaks now happening such as the below Guardian report ever see the light of day? On Tuesday The Guardian published select contents of a leaked internal United Nations document detailing a "pay to play" scheme orchestrated by Saudi

Bellingcat创始人和ISIS Twitter账户的合作在新报告中公开

Bellingcat和大西洋理事会的Eliot Higgins等西方“专家”经常推广ShamiWitness帐户,尽管它经常宣传Daesh谈话要点和野蛮行为。

ShamiWitness Higgins Header

MINNEAPOLIS  -- A new report has exposed the past collaboration of Eliot Higgins of Bellingcat and influential neo-conservatives with the “most influential Twitter account” of the terror group Daesh, also known as the Islamic State (ISIL, ISIS). That collaboration helped promote the account, which posted under the Twitter handle @shamiwitness, as