档案 8月 2014

How The US Militarizes The World’s Police, Not Just Ferguson’s

The story of police militarization in the US and abroad is complicated, and involves the importation and exportation of equipment, tactics, and funds for the purposes of domestic and international security. Here’s one part of that story.

On Aug. 9, a white police officer named Darren Wilson shot and killed an unarmed black teenager named Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri. Since then, the world has watched the streets of Ferguson turn into a battleground, as heavily armed police officers fired tear gas, shot rubber bullets and pointed guns at protesters denouncing Brown’s

Police Treated British Rape Victims Like ‘Stupid, Naughty’ Girls

A sex abuse investigation in Britain raises difficult questions of race and child protection.

Slutwalk, rape, sex abuse

LONDON, UK — There was the 12-year-old beaten and burned before her illegal abortion. The intoxicated 13-year-old girl arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, while the men with her were released. Two different fathers who stormed houses in search of their teenage daughters, only to be arrested and the girls left with their rapists. A

NATO Claims Satellite Images Show Russian Units In Ukraine

Russia refutes charges as hard-to-verify accusations and denials by officials on all sides make assessment of facts in Ukraine difficult.


NATO officials on Thursday released satellite images they claim show mobile Russian artillery units and supporting vehicles "engaged in military operations inside the sovereign territory of Ukraine." The newly presented evidence comes as Ukraine President Petro Poroshenko declared from Kiev on Thursday that "Russian forces have actually entered

Modeling CIA Torture, ISIS Waterboarded Those It Captured: Report

Sources quoted by the Washinton Post say ISIS “knew exactly how it was done” as it employed brutal techniques also approved by Bush administration

The Washington Post reports on Thursday that at least four individuals taken captive by the Islamic State were tortured and that the group—also known as ISIS—appeared to be modeling the CIA's use of torture as it employed waterboarding as one of the painful techniques they used. Worldwide condemnation followed revelations that in the aftermath